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First row: Roxane Bayer, Karin Eloff, Filemon liyambo, Frowin Becker. Second row: Nina Van Zyl, Kina Indongo, Veripuami Nandee Kangumine, Keith Vries. Third row: Nicola Brandt, Katherine Hunter, Jean-Claude Titamunisa

The shortlist for the 2023 Bank Windhoek Doek Literary Awards is out and it is absolutely stunning! Featuring a range of talented Namibian writers and artists, this year’s competition looks intense.

The Bank Windhoek Doek Literary Awards are awarded every two years to celebrate the works of four Namibian literary artists—two writers (fiction and nonfiction), a poet, and a visual artist—published in Doek! Literary Magazine. Sponsored by Bank Windhoek, the awards seek to bring a wider Namibian and international audience to the selected works, writers, poets, and visual artists.

Each winner is awarded NAD5000 in cash and presented with a trophy commissioned from a Namibian artist. All longlisted, shortlisted, and winning literary artists are provided with unique opportunities within their particular fields of creation such as book prizes, publication in select anthologies, offers of representation, appearances at literary festivals, and more.

The shortlist for the second edition spotlights works with Namibian and universal themes: family, friendship, and motherhood; trauma and the graceful endurance of the human spirit; the histories and territories of generational loss; questions of land and belonging; and the gifts of reconnecting with life and the living ancestors.

Rémy Ngamije, the Editor-in-Chief of Doek Literary Magazine, shared his excitement about this year’s awards:

This shortlist represents some of the most talented storytellers in the country. Some of the names appeared in the running in 2021 – it is encouraging to see that talent in the arts is not once-off but that it is continuous and sustained.

Check out the stunning shortlist below:


Roxane Bayer – “Letters to Chloe

Karin Eloff – “One Man’s Trash

Filemon liyambo – “Their Mother’s Words


Frowin Becker – “Deliver Me, Anvil

Nina Van Zyl – “Motherhood


Kina Indongo – “Windhoek“, “How Things Are And How They Happen“, and “Our Last Conversation

Veripuami Nandee Kangumine – “The Jackal Who Prepares You For Marriage“, “Daughters of a Witch“, and “There Isn’t a Word in Your Language for Being Touched

Keith Vries – “Who Did You Leave Under The Sea” and “Jamal

Visual Art

Nicola Brandt – “When the Land Speaks

Katherine Hunter – “How Frankenstein Created A Character

Jean-Claude Titamunisa – “The Gift

Congrats to all the shortlisted writers and artists! The award ceremony will take place in December.

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