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Teju Cole wins the Hemingway/PEN Award for his book Open City. Prize equals 10, 000 dollars! So I didn’t know that Cole is a

writer in residence at Bard College. Guess who else has had ties ties with Bard. Chinua Achebe. Achebe is now at Brown University but it’s nice to see Cole sorta following in his footsteps. By the way, if you haven’t read the book, do.

Mr. Cole, 36, was born in the United States and raised in Nigeria. His novel, about a Nigerian studying psychiatry in New York who takes to wandering Manhattan and then the world after he breaks up with his girlfriend, was nominated by the National Book Critics Circle in January as one of five finalists for best novel of 2011; the winner of that competition will be announced Thursday evening. Read moreNew York Times

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